
  • 特殊教育(专业和重点)

The 特殊教育 major prepares you to work with individuals with disabilities in various capacities. It is the only undergraduate major housed in the 教育学院.

Programs are tailored for students interested in P–12 teaching, 残疾政策, 研究, and careers that support individuals with disabilities in community settings. 教育学院与SPU合作 神学院 to offer programs in 特殊教育 that work in various types of church ministries.

了解更多赌博十大靠谱软件这所学校的信息 使命、愿景和结果.


  • 本专业至少需要50-111学分, 包括23-77学分.
  • If you are an incoming student interested in the 特殊教育 major, you are encouraged to indicate your intent upon admission to SPU. Indication of interest does not commit you to the program, but will ensure that you received the advising and information about the 特殊教育 program requirements.
  • 获得P-12认证 华盛顿州教师, you must complete the Elementary Emphasis with 认证 or the Secondary Emphasis with 认证. Please see the 认证 办公室 in the 教育学院 for more details.
  • 如果你不想成为P-12学校的老师, choose the 特殊教育 Studiesl Emphasis or Educational Ministry Emphasis. 


  • 特殊教育专业教学 will develop you into a teacher with the knowledge and skills to design and implement appropriate education for students with disabilities. 
  • 你必须主修 in either 特殊教育: Elementary Emphasis with 认证 or 特殊教育: Secondary Emphasis with 认证.
  • P-12特殊教育 认证 requirements for 特殊教育 are maintained by the 教育学院 certification office and listed by emphasis.
  • 特殊教育专业要求 are maintained by the 特殊教育 Department and program chair.
  • 如果你是转学生, you must complete a minimum 15 upper-division credits in 特殊教育 coursework prior to your Internship.


Washington state requires that teacher candidates pursuing an endorsement in 特殊教育 must also earn a second endorsement in a content area.

Students will work with the certification advisor to develop a “Plan of Study” for earning a second endorsement. Please make an appointment with the certification advisor as soon as possible to begin working on this plan. 学生可以通过电子邮件预约 soeinfo@softlawinternationale.net 或者在前国有企业办公室 彼得森大厅 300.


The non-teaching track in 特殊教育 prepares you to work with individuals with disabilities outside the classroom setting. 该专业服务于三个一般兴趣领域:

  • 如果你正在攻读特殊教育学位 and plan to work with state, local, or nonprofit agencies that serve individuals with disabilities. This includes direct-service providers and advocacy groups.
  • 如果你想与个人和家庭一起工作 在宗教或教堂中有残疾的人.
  • If you plan to pursue an advanced degree in special education 或相关领域(如.g., 特殊教育研究者, 言语治疗师, 职业治疗师, 和物理治疗师).


与特殊教育顾问合作, students are placed in community-based settings working directly with individuals with disabilities, working in agencies that serve students with disabilities, or working alongside professors on 研究 projects dealing with disability issues. 

  • 至少10个实习学分 是完成专业所必需的吗.
  • 这个实习是成立的 与一位特殊教育顾问合作.
  • 这个实习不是 教师资格认证.  


Students in this track benefit from a partnership with the 教育学院 and SPU’s 神学院. Coursework from both programs provides you with a foundation in both disability studies and educational ministry.

  • 当你从这个项目毕业时,你就准备好了 to address disability issues in church and parachurch organizations.
  • 本重点的实习/实习要求 反映这种需求, and graduates are prepared to address methods for including all people in worship and church life.
  • 至少10个实习学分 是完成专业所必需的吗.
  • 这个实习是合作的 与SPU神学院合作.


In order to earn a degree, you must complete an academic major. SPU encourages students to explore various academic paths, and students are not required to enter a major immediately upon admission to the University. 然而, you should enter a major by the end of your sophomore year to help ensure your timely completion of a degree. Students who transfer as juniors and seniors should identify and enter their major within their first two quarters at SPU.

  • 如果这是你在西雅图大学的第一节课 and you wish to enter a major in this department, you may select a program by using the online 主修或副修申请表. 您将收到录取通知的电子邮件.
  • If you are an SPU student with an SPU cumulative GPA of 2.0或更高, 利用网络 主修或副修申请表 选择专业. 您将收到录取通知的电子邮件. Students on academic probation (with an SPU cumulative GPA below 2.0) will not be permitted to enter a new major or minor until they regain good academic standing.
  • 如果你打算考教师资格证, 保持最少3个.0分绩点曾经被专业录取.
  • 这所大学要求成绩达到C或更高 in all classes that apply to a major or minor; however, programs may require higher minimum grades in specific courses. You may repeat an SPU course only once for a higher grade.
  • 为了在这个项目中取得进展, meet with your faculty advisor regularly to discuss your grades, 课程进展, and other indicators of satisfactory academic progress. If your grades or other factors indicate that you may not be able to successfully complete the major, your faculty advisor can work with you to explore options, 这可能包括选择不同的专业.
  • 你必须完成主要的要求 in effect in the SPU 本科目录 for the year of admittance to the major.



建议课程顺序 帮助你及时完成你的学位.



参观 教育学院 to see how you can begin to educate youth, achieve your goals, and make a difference in the world.