SPU Community Kitchen

panoramic view of kitchen

Seattle Pacific University’s Community Kitchen serves individuals in need of affordable food, cooking and meal planning skills, food and nutrition knowledge, and a supportive community. It tangibly contributes to food security, social connectedness, and improved diet in our community. For all who are involved in putting on the dinners, the Community Kitchen offers opportunities to love our neighbors and share our passion for nutritious food.

community kitchen logo

Email: spukitchen@softlawinternationale.net
Blog: spucommunitykitchen.home.blog/
Facebook: @spukitchen

Founded in 2011, the Community Kitchen is run by a team of SPU students and funded through participant fees and the generous donations and grants of supporters from the SPU community and beyond.

Its initial vision was to provide students both in the Food and Nutrition program and in other majors with opportunities to explore their vocation as future dietitians or professionals in the food and nutrition, marketing, public relations, or community development fields. It also gives them a chance to experience the satisfaction of their professional interests being synchronous with their personal passion for serving others as Christ calls us.

Find recipes and more on our blog

Give to SPU’s Community Kitchen

If you would like to partner with us by donating to the Community Kitchen, click the button below, which will take you to SPU’s giving page and enter your gift amount. Then, in the “Designation” dropdown menu, select “Other,” and enter “Community Kitchen.” Then click “Add Gift to Cart” and proceed to payment. Your gift of any amount will be most appreciated!

Give to the Community Kitchen

Meet some of our participants


Debbie is the longest participating Community Kitchen member. We celebrated her 50th Kitchen about a year ago. We love having her enthusiasm for all that we do, and she always goes above and beyond in helping with cleanup.

Robert and Sanjay

Robert loyally rides the bus to our Community Kitchen, rain, sleet, or shine. He has an adventurous taste and works hard during Kitchen nights. We know he will enjoy every bit of the food participants take home, so sometimes we sneak in a little extra. And when Robert invited him, Sanjay unexpectedly discovered all that there is to enjoy about being a part of the Community Kitchen.


Chris keeps coming back to the Community Kitchen because he loves the variety of interesting dishes we always have on our menu. He is quick to roll up his sleeves to make bagels, pasta, spring rolls, or whatever delicious thing we have planned. And he is never shy about complimenting the results when we are enjoying the food at the end.

Tim and Joanne

Tim and Joanne are faithful participants in the Community Kitchen. Joanne’s smile and positive attitude make cooking challenges easy. Tim is our expert onion chopper (and sometimes we have mountains of onions to chop), and always offers a detailed critique of the dishes on the menu we prepare, keeping us focused on planning the best we can for our community.

Give to SPU’s Community Kitchen

If you would like to partner with us by donating to the Community Kitchen, please visit SPU’s giving page and enter your gift amount. Then, in the “Designation” dropdown menu, select “Other” and enter “Community Kitchen.” Then click “Add Gift to Cart” and proceed to payment. Your gift of any amount will be most appreciated!

Blessed to be a blessing

1 John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.” Through our Community Kitchen, we pass on the blessings of good food and friendships we have received. When we gather to share food, we remember God’s provision for our lives and anticipate the banqueting God has promised us.

“I've been going to the kitchens since 2011, and what inspires me to keep going (and I realize this is your vision), is that the Community Kitchen welcomes everyone. I don’t believe there is another program where the young, old, educated, non-educated, Christian, non-Christian, as well as people from different cultures, backgrounds, and countries have the opportunity to meet, work together, and talk. I think it is a gem. A wonderful opportunity to get to know people in a safe place. I just can’t think of another program like this, that really embraces diversity! I know you have made it a very welcoming place. Along with cooking, I have learned from the people I have met and I am better for it.”
Deborah Reynolds
Community Kitchen participant